January 03, 2011

A Small Collection of Thoughts on Exceptional Living

The Siduhe Grand Bridge in China - 2,132 feet above the ground.  A reminder that all things are possible.

This is a small collection of things I like to remember that make a lot of difference in the way I live:

I am valuable. Incredibly, infinitely, unimaginably valuable. I'm worth so much that God stopped what he was doing, went to find me, turned the world on its head and paid everything he had – even his life – to buy me back. I'm that valuable.

I have something to offer. The things I think, the things I say, the things I write, the way I am with people – all of these are valuable to other people. Withholding the things I have to offer is acutally a disservice to others.

Trying to eliminate risk is the riskiest thing I can do. To gain much, I must risk must. The less I risk, the less I stand to gain. If I am interested in living a full life, I must be willing to take risks both large and small.

Life is meant to be exceptional. There is no rule out there that says I have to live a certain way, there is no reason I have to follow the crowd and fade into mediocrity. I can live the life I imagine – it is possible.

I always have a choice. No matter how bad things look, or how trapped I feel in my circumstances, I always have a choice about how to live my life. There's no reason I can't do something completely unconventional or unexpected. Circumstances don't dictate my life, I do.  I have the ability to choose each moment.

One person can change the world. Just because someone's been around longer or had more experience than me or seems more confident doesn't mean they know better than me. In all of history, the people who have really made a difference are the people who did so in spite of all the “experts” telling them that they were wrong or that what they were doing was impossible. So I can stick to my beliefs and change the world by living my own exceptional life.

There are always more possibilities than what I can see. Everything, truly everything, is possible. The main thing that holds me back from living the impossible is my inability to believe in it. The more I believe that there is nothing impossible, the more impossible feats I achieve.

There are options right here, right now. I don't have to wait for “someday” to start living an extraordinary life. I don't have to wait until I have a certain amount of money, or meet that certain someone, or get that degree or equipment or book or whatever. There are opportunities right in front of me that can change my life, or other people's lives, forever if I will just have the courage to reach out and take them.


What about you?  Have any thoughts that keep you living the dream?  I'd love to hear what they are.


Anonymous said...

I'm trying not to let my circumstances determine my dreams; rather, I want my dreams to determine my circumstances. How's that?-carson

Luke and Lydia Martin said...

@Carson: It's about choosing where you want to be in the future (the dream) and then making every small choice take you either closer to or further away from the place you want to go. I think the more focus and energy that's put into the dream, the more your daily life will change to get you there.