January 12, 2011

Extraordinary in Progress

Just like this wall, I am a work in progress...

You know that it's there. You know what I'm talking about – that feeling. That sense that you were meant for something more. Not just that you can be good at what you do – you probably already are – but that sense that there's a destiny of some sort that will come upon you soon. That your life is full of promise. That you are destined for greatness.

If not, you can go ahead and stop reading. If you find yourself content, happy with what you have, and not eager for much more out of life, then most of what I write is probably not for you. This article is for people who know that there is more than what they are experiencing right now. They know that they want it. On some level, they know that it's theirs, they just need to reach out and grab it.

That's what I call the “Extraordinary”: taking hold of the life that is possible instead of settling for the life that's presented. My dream in life is to see people who dare to live extraordinary lives change the world. I can only touch the people around me. The way I figure it, if I can help the people around me step into the Extraordinary, they'll inspire others around them that I probably won't ever meet.

One of my favorite parts of unconventional living is that it's not like I ever arrive. I mean, there's never going to be a day when I wake up and am like “Wow, I've done everything. Literally, everything. There's just nothing left for me to do. Guess I'll go get a job somewhere.” No, there's always something new, something exciting to discover. There will always be a new adventure right around the corner, or some new challenge that will test the limits of my courage and resolve. There is always more.

Which is my hopeful thought for this week. I will never run out of unique, creative, exciting things to do in this life. In fact, I will probably wish I could live longer just to experience more of them. It is possible for my life to be an unending pursuit of the goodness and wonder of all that life has to offer.

Care to join me on this adventure?

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