June 28, 2008

Rocky Mountain Rapids

The sun shone down on us with love and not a cloud in the sky obstructed its rays. It was a perfect day to hit the Arkansas river. I slapped on the sunscreen with excitement and anxiety. Last year I missed Luke's annual work rafting trip because I was mego prego. This year we were able to leave the Sweet Pea with some adoring family and spend our first night away together in... well, since she was born almost a year ago! Too bad rafting doesn't allow for sleeping in.

The conditions were epic, the river was the highest it's been in over 12 years. With the river running over 3,000 cfs (if you're not a raft guide or scientist, this number means a lot of flippin water running unbelievably fast), we were gearing up for a day of adventure. I wish we had brought a waterproof camera, because it's hard to describe the intensity. Not five minutes from launch we hit the "Boat Chute" and I started to wonder if I made the right choice in coming. It was incredibly scary and strangely addicting all at the same time. Luckily our boat navigated the rapids with no major upsets.

Ironically, it wasn't until the end of the day when we were hitting the last little bumps that something caught us by surprise. Luke flipped out of the boat before we knew it! It was a strange phenomenon, almost as he was magically lifted out while we all watched in slow motion. Good thing his slow motion super power enabled him to grab onto the rope and stay with the boat. We quickly hoisted him in and finished up the day exhausted and satisfied.

Hopefully next year will offer us the same adrenaline rush... and not a day of paddling on a slow trickle of water. (Photos from top to bottom: some of our beautiful 14'ers, lathering on the sun shield, one of our boats and bus, the best looking couple on the river)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm jealous. I never got my birthday present. ~Raenie