June 28, 2008

Rocky Mountain Rapids

The sun shone down on us with love and not a cloud in the sky obstructed its rays. It was a perfect day to hit the Arkansas river. I slapped on the sunscreen with excitement and anxiety. Last year I missed Luke's annual work rafting trip because I was mego prego. This year we were able to leave the Sweet Pea with some adoring family and spend our first night away together in... well, since she was born almost a year ago! Too bad rafting doesn't allow for sleeping in.

The conditions were epic, the river was the highest it's been in over 12 years. With the river running over 3,000 cfs (if you're not a raft guide or scientist, this number means a lot of flippin water running unbelievably fast), we were gearing up for a day of adventure. I wish we had brought a waterproof camera, because it's hard to describe the intensity. Not five minutes from launch we hit the "Boat Chute" and I started to wonder if I made the right choice in coming. It was incredibly scary and strangely addicting all at the same time. Luckily our boat navigated the rapids with no major upsets.

Ironically, it wasn't until the end of the day when we were hitting the last little bumps that something caught us by surprise. Luke flipped out of the boat before we knew it! It was a strange phenomenon, almost as he was magically lifted out while we all watched in slow motion. Good thing his slow motion super power enabled him to grab onto the rope and stay with the boat. We quickly hoisted him in and finished up the day exhausted and satisfied.

Hopefully next year will offer us the same adrenaline rush... and not a day of paddling on a slow trickle of water. (Photos from top to bottom: some of our beautiful 14'ers, lathering on the sun shield, one of our boats and bus, the best looking couple on the river)

June 26, 2008

A Girl And Her Toothbrush

There's something to be said for every child's first experience brushing their teeth...
especially if she only has six. Sweet Pea gives it a try
Showing it off
Letting Dad have a turn

June 22, 2008

Week #3

We're moving into the third week of raising these little guys and things are still rolling along. (Well, at least I haven't heard any complaints.) We keep checking, but still no sign of back legs. However, their appetite has increased dramatically and they've almost doubled in size. We estimate they now measure about 0.5 in/1.3cm from nose to tail. Grow 'poles! Grow!

June 20, 2008

Mr. Wonderful

It's Friday and my husband spoils me... need I say more?

June 18, 2008

Sum Sum Summertime

Nothing says summertime like a day at the pool. Today was our first venture to the community pool and... well, Sarah's first time swimming. It was a success. Our little sweet pea loved crawling around and chasing the little bugs that floated by. She hasn't quite mastered the skill of holding her breath under water and seems to think she doesn't need it. I couldn't keep her from trying to crawl to the deep end... face first. She didn't seem to mind the few occasions she gulped down her first taste of pool water. We'll keep working on it, as I'm sure the pool will be a popular attraction for us this summer. Please come join us, we'd love to have swim buddies!

June 17, 2008

Update On The Poles

We've had these little guys for over a week now and they are doing great. They are feasting on spinach leaves and growing like crazy. Well, they're still about the size of a pea... but a much larger pea than last week. No sign of legs yet and we still have no idea what kind of hopper they'll morph into. I even saw someone collect 'poles that turned into salamanders? I had no idea there were so many options for tadpoles. I am a bit ashamed to admit that we were not sure if all six guys would live the first few transitional days, especially since we are not wise in the ways of raising 'poles. However, it looks as if all my Internet research has paid off and we may be able to release all six finished products someday. Let's just hope that they're not bullfrogs. Those guys stay as tadpoles for one to two years!

June 11, 2008

Helping Mama

Cooking a meal wouldn't be complete with out the help of my sweet girl. She has discovered the joy of opening and closing every cupboard/drawer in the kitchen... excitedly dumping all the contents onto the floor. Her latest craze is clanging the lids on the floor and smacking them with the baster.
Sarah also loves laundry... or at least throwing the clothes on the floor. As she systematically empties the dryer, she occasionally likes to wear a random piece of clothing as a hat. Thank goodness they are clean!

Tee Pee With The Sweet Pea

When people ask, "So what do you do with your time other than taking care of the little one?" I think, "Other? Other? I don't have time for 'other'." This little clip is a perfect example of what happens when you're busy cleaning and all of the sudden you realize it's too quiet.

June 08, 2008

Red Fish, Blue Fish?

We LOVE taking walks and fortunately our neighborhood is perfect for them! As we were enjoying the beautiful weather today, we strolled along the stream which runs near our home. Well, the term "stream" is a little generous... I guess it's more like a natural ditch. Either way, it has running water and wildlife and we were exploring it. In doing so, we came across a multitude of tiny tadpoles. Now, everyone knows tadpoles are only created for one thing... to keep as pets and watch them grow legs! We collected six little guys (they are barely .25 in/.63 cm long from head to tail) and immediately introduced them into their new five star abode. They took to it like, well, like a fish to water. We have no idea what kind of frogs they will become, or if they will even become frogs at all (we've read about "toadpoles"). However, we will thoroughly enjoy watching them and keep you updated on their progress.

June 05, 2008

Let's Go

Our neighbors let us borrow this little cart so Sarah can take her toys for walks around the living room... I don't think it will be much longer until she's walking on her own.