February 28, 2010

The DTS Returns!

So the Fall Discipleship Training School Outreach teams have returned.

There is nothing better than getting a group of people together who are completely jazzed on God and have just spent the last three months seeking him for every step that they take. They get together and BAM - all the energy and momentum combines and releases into worship that shakes the heavens.

The DTS sent three teams - one to Myanmar and Thailand, one to Russia, and one to Sudan and Uganda.

The stories were awesome. The students got to meet and minister to so many people. The Africa team had the privilege of meeting and leading to the Lord some former child soldiers. The Myanmar team continued working on a Buddhist monk who will definitely become a Christian sometime in the short future. The Russia team inspired some churches and planted seeds across Russia, calling the Orthodox Christians to a deeper relationship with God.

I love being able to work with DTS. Six months ago we had a ragtag group of individuals - some who were nearly pastors and others who had stopped drinking the day they left to come here. Now we have 19 people who are driven and passionate about turning this world around for Christ. I am honored to be able to watch the transformation, and hopefully have some small part in it.

We serve a great God. We need to shake off the smallness of our thinking. If God can transform a life, he can transform a city and a nation and a world.

Congratulations, Fall '09 DTS! Love you guys!

1 comment:

leha1984 said...

i find myself in the "nearly pastor" specification :D
the german