January 14, 2010

Possibilities, Decisions, and Purpose

So we're at a turning point in our life.


In fact, when I think about it, there's only been about 18 solid months in the past 11 years I can look back on and say with confidence: "That was not a turning point in my life."

Most of this can be traced to brainwashing by YWAM, of course. Their seven mind-molders have effectively eliminated my need for what most humans know as "security." Once that's gone, all of a sudden you have unlimited possibility for what to do with your life. Fight sex trafficking in South Africa? Sure! Start a discipleship school in Portland? Sign me up. Move to some country I never heard of before yesterday? Not a problem.

Brainwashing aside, I'm fairly excited for this current turning point. I just have the feeling that it's got some momentum to it, like a big wrecking ball just waiting to be told where to swing.

The biggest factor that determines our next move is funding. If you had a chart, and had a level on it marked "Just Scraping By", we would be just below that level. Or possibly several levels below. The whole chart is hypothetical anyway, so the exact position is not that important. We just don't have enough money.

So that's what I'm spending my time doing, for the most part. Crafting heart-warming / -wrenching letters that will elicit funds from supporters for the next steps on our journey. Hopefully, it will prove successful and I can inform you more fully of what our next steps end up being.


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