February 29, 2008

Yeah, I Made Something!

The act of 'creating' has always run heavily through my veins. It gives me energy, life and a deep sense of joy. It's truly hard for me to put into words how important this is to me. However, the past few years have been a bit rough for us and 'creating' has definitely taken a seat on the back burner. As with any passion that is bottled up or ignored, my hindered creativity has been causing severe frustration. I was grieved by it and was sure that I had neglected it for so long that it had packed up and left me. Our most recent move has been an interesting phenomenon for me. Ever since the relocation, I find myself with all sorts of artistic ideas and a burning desires to make something. So I finally put the procrastination and fear aside... and did it. I made something! It all started with a Ziploc bag full of large red glass beads a friend had sent me years ago. One of her favorite necklaces had broken and she asked if I would restring it. Of course I would... too bad it only took me years to do it. Be that as it may, her bag of beads gave me the jumping off point to get back into the game. So, I made her a necklace and with the remaining beads, made her a dazzling pair of earrings too.


Anonymous said...

Yay! Ok I finally caught up on your bloggy and love seeing your sweetie pie- she's adorable! I've made my own wipes too- love it:)
Your new place looks really nice- I'm glad you're all settled in.
The earrings and necklace are GORGEOUS! I'm excited to see what else you have up your sleeve- you are a very creative woman and I love it!
Jess Foosh

Anonymous said...

Hey girl,
You have done a great with your updates!!! Sarah is too cute with her huge smile and new teeth. I love that you've added fun things to your site, I want to make that Chile Verdi, looks wonderful! And last, I LOVE my necklace and earings, it was worlth the 4 year wait.
Love you all, Carrie