September 22, 2011

Step Outside of Normal

A Step Outside of Normal

I'm plagued with a sense of greatness. I've always known that I'm destined to be different, to excel where others fail, to reach heights that others couldn't even imagine. I've known it since I was young. I am great. I will shake the world.

My plague.

A plague because I'm 30 years old and it's not happening yet. Hasn't happened at all. In fact, quite the opposite. I look around and feel that all my striving and effort has landed me squarely on the side of mediocrity. I don't have the life I dreamed of. My life looks less like a dream and more like a series of disconnected, unplanned events that have little in common except for the fact that I star in all of them and they all end up rather lackluster.

I'm plagued by an undeveloped potential. A haunting of a what might have been. A whisper that all the dreams and ambitions I had were mine for the taking but that somehow, in some way that I can't quite see because I'm too much of a blind dimwit, I squandered the opportunity. There's also another, equally insistent whisper that I was meant for so much more than what I have now.

Plagued. Haunted by failure.

Was the dream true? Was there ever any potential in me? Did I have it in me to shake the world with my footsteps? Am I destined to forever wonder if it was all just a dream? Or was it real but I somehow lost my way and fumbled the destiny I was supposed to have?

These questions have been haunting me. Swirling around in my head like cloudy water in a jar. Was it true? Or was I destined to die in obscurity from the beginning?

I'm tired of trying to figure it out. The questions are driving me mad. I have to find out. I have to answer this burning question: Is there still a chance? Do I still have time to find the destiny I sensed when I was young, or do I resign myself to a lifetime of mediocrity?

What will it take to find out? How can I discover or rediscover a purpose? What steps should I take? I've developed so many habits in my life that I don't even know what it takes to do something differently. Is it possible to change? Can my life be fulfilling and full of purpose?

This will be my journey. A journey to break out of complacency. A challenge to rise above the status quo. This will be a chronicling of the efforts that the undertaking will require. A blog, a traveler’s notes on the paths I choose, the steps I take, the pitfalls I encounter, and the victories I (hopefully) achieve.

God, I hope I achieve something wonderful.

I will step outside of normal. I will share the journey with you. I will be brutally honest. I will shatter the limits of the possible, or I will fail spectacularly. I will no longer wonder the middle-ground shadow lands of safety and boredom. I want to see if there is life, real life, to be had out there. I will see if greatness is possible – even accessible.

If it is? Well, then we can go there – together.

It is with a lot of excitement that I announce the launching of my new website,, where the journey will continue.  This blog will become less active - in fact, I won't update it anymore, but you can get all my updates over at my new, dedicated website.  Once again, that's:

I'll see you there!