December 03, 2007

Bonnets and Booties

When Sarah was less than two months old I took her to visit my Grandma for the first time. It was the middle of August and I couldn't help but break into a nasty sweat as I toted Sarah's carrier awkwardly along side of me. Her visit was a hit and my Grandma was ecstatic to hold a wee one again (she did have nine of her own). However, I did find it strange that she kept asking me where Sarah's bonnet and booties were. Grandma insisted that she must have her feet and head covered to stay warm. I thought, "It's the middle of August... she'd probably rather be naked... I know I sure would." I didn't want to contradict my dear sweet Grandma so I replied, "Oh, I forgot them."

About a month ago I put an outfit on Sarah that I received at my baby shower last May. It was from my Grandma, and wouldn't you know it, the outfit came with a bonnet and booties.

These pics are for you Grandma...